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The Arts Award

"Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications that support anyone up to 25 to grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world through taking challenges in an art form - from fashion to film making, pottery to poetry." -


The Arts Award is an internationally recognised qualification that involves young people reflecting on their experiences and collecting evidence of what they've done through the project. This evidence is then displayed as a portfolio in any manner that the young person sees fit (e.g. a scrapbook, a website a blog, etc.)


These young people work with an Arts Award Advisor (a trained adult who supports them in getting the artistic experiences and helps to assess the quality of the 'portfolios'. 


It's offered at five different levels (Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver, Gold), each following a different framework in order to best suit the needs of the age/ability of the young person doing it. You can use any artistic talent (drama, dance, music, drawing, photography, etc.) to achieve your award. Do what inspires you!


To find out more, head to:



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