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My Challenge

As part of my Arts Award, I need to set myself a challenge and complete that challenge in a set time. This challenge needs to be based on S.M.A.R.T. targets (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) and in order to 'pass' to recieve the award, I need to make sure that I finish the challenge. But what should my challenge be?


I love writing songs. I love singing. So I thought: why not record and produce a song that I've written? My challenge is to write a new song and record it and produce it in six weeks, with as little help as possible from anyone else. Once it's finished, I'll upload it to my YouTube Channel.


It's specific: I want to write, record and produce an original song.

It's measureable: I'll know that I've completed it when I upload it to YouTube.

It's achieveable: I have the equipment to record it at home. I have an understanding of how the technology works.

It's realistic: It's challenging - I find adding layers and making pieces more complex difficult. But I'll be able to complete it.

It's time-bound: I want to complete this in six weeks.


In order to make achieving my goal easier, I will break the goal up into mini-goals, making it simpler for me to complete the main goal.

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