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About Me

Hi, there! My name's Taryn and I'm a fourteen-year-old High School student. I'm an entrepreneur and aspiring singer-songwriter, with dreams to make a difference somewhere in the world. So far, I've set up a business walking dogs, which I manage by myself - I created the website and the advertising and marketing materials. It's been going for about nine months now! It's a job that I really enjoy - I'm my own boss and I'm the one who's responsible if anything goes wrong. It's difficult, but I like the challenge. I hope to bring some of the skills I've learnt from running a business to the running of the event that I will be helping to co-ordinate as part of the 'Arts Award'.











Songwriting is my passion - I aim to write songs to inspire others. I like to write about subjects that I feel strongly about; I believe that opinions are much better expressed and recieved through music than through talking - humans are emotional beings and music is able to reach deeper than anywhere else. I hope that I will be able to help influence people in a positive way through my music. In terms of musical instruments, I can play piano and flute - I've been playing flute for just under seven years and I started piano lessons last summer. I also sing and I teach myself guitar. 


At school, my favourite lesson is French. I love the challenge of speaking another language - plus, language-speaking and music-playing goes well together, I'm told! I like the idea of being able to have access to another culture through their language. I am part of the school Debating Society, Student Learning Council, School Council and am also a member of the Enterprise team. I have an undying love for English grammar. In addition, I am the co-founder of and journalist/editor for my school's student-run magazine.


Theatre is also very close to my heart - I've been acting in plays since I was seven years old and have been cast as part of the chorus twice for shows at Norwich Playhouse. I'm in the final stages of rehearsing for a pantomime with local theatre company 'Stalham Players', in which I play a rather sarcastic fairy.


So, that's me! Now you know a little about who I am and what I like to do - thank you for staying this long!



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